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Financial Aid Instructions

1. Online Application


2. Section 1 – Household Information
Parent/Guardian: Enter the parent or guardian's contact information. Please be sure to enter all fields with accuracy. Dependent: Enter all dependents that live in the household. For dependents in college, select the "attending another private school" status option. Please be sure to enter all fields with accuracy.


3. Section 2 – Selecting A School
Enter your school's five-digit code or name in the search box. If you want to search for schools near you that are participating in the Smart Aid program, you can search by city and state. Make your selection by checking the select check box. Once a school or multiple schools are selected, you will then need to select the student(s) you wish to apply for aid at the appropriate school(s). After the school(s) have been selected, you will then need to select the upcoming grade for the student, student code (if applicable), and tuition expected for the upcoming year.


4. Section 3 – Income & Expenses
Enter any income the household receives, employment, business or supplemental. If the work status is selected as 'employed', 'self-employed', 'unemployed, receiving benefits', or 'disabled, receiving benefits,' you will be required to enter this income source in the appropriate section before moving through the application. Please enter all expenses as they pertain to your household. Please be sure to enter all fields with accuracy.


5. Section 4 – Assets & Debts
Enter all assets and debts as they pertain to your household. Please be sure to enter all fields with accuracy.


6. Section 5 – Special Circumstances
Check off any special circumstance that pertains to your household. If no option available best describes your household's circumstance, please check 'other' and describe your situation.


7. Section 6 – Submit
If your school uses family school codes, please be sure to make the appropriate selection. Please agree to Smart Aid's terms and conditions. Click SUBMIT to complete your online application.



Armenian School

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